Trusted and Helpful Resources
- Advocate, Writer/Blogger, Speaker, wife of a Wounded Warrior hero, Torrey Shannon is a dedicated Veteran Advocate raising awareness to key issues our troops and military families face, their unique needs and how Americans can offer support.
- A site dedicated to stopping binding mandatory arbitration in the automotive industry.
- Bullying Prevention Resources: Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center unites, engages and educates communities nationwide to address bullying through creative, relevant and interactive resources designed to benefit all students, including students with disabilities.
- CAARE is a non-profit, all volunteer 501(c)3 charity dedicated to exposing conflicts of interests in residential real estate and providing information, solutions and resources to consumers and others to help combat these problems.
- is the leading comprehensive free source for comparing credit card offers and has been educating consumers on credit cards since 1998.
- The Consumer Federation of America offers consumer information broken down by industry i.e. energy, finance, housing, or health and safety.
- Champions for Children with Disabilities:PACER is a parent training and information center for families of children and youth with all disabilities from birth through 21 years old. Parents can find publications, workshops, and other resources to help make decisions about education, vocational training, employment, and other services for their children with disabilities.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Congress established the CFPB to protect consumers by carrying out Federal consumer financial laws. Among other things, they conduct rule-making, supervision, and enforcement for Federal consumer financial protection laws, restrict unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices, take consumer complaints, promote financial education, research consumer behavior, monitor financial markets for new risks to consumers, enforce laws that outlaw discrimination and other unfair treatment in consumer finance.
- A non-profit publisher of consumer reports.
- Credit Card offers very timely, specific and highly relevant information about the most recent credit card happenings, keeping users up to date on a daily basis with the latest credit card-related news, newest credit card offerings, and other timely credit-related information.
- Christopher Elliott is leading consumer advocate, syndicated journalist, travel troubleshooter and professional speaker known for his practical advice and creative solutions.
- free-to-the-consumer educational weblog designed to teach consumers how fraud can creep into their daily financial activities, how to identify it and what can be done to prevent or, at least, decrease their risk of being victimized.
- Find new publications from the Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency, explain how to protect your child's information and your own, and the immediate steps to take to limit damage from identity theft.
- American Consumer Credit Education Support Services (ACCESS) founded this website which includes news and information on credit and privacy issues. There is a special Fraud Alert section to inform users of new financial scams and a section on children's privacy, which details abuses and what we can do to protect our children.
- Power Women Magazine --an online publication with a radio show about women, by women and for women, and issues important to women worldwide. PWM tackles all issues ranging from equal rights for all women to issues of homelessness among women, and everything in between.
- Woman4Woman Network --An All Women's Radio Station broadcast to the world from all over the world. Interact with professional women communicating successful strategies for positive growth both in business and life.
- A non-profit organization that offers consumer information, advocacy organizations, policy watch, and privacy tips.
- Report phishing scams, pharming sites and crime ware to the Anti-Phishing Working Group and help stop this insidious threat to e-commerce.
- Advocacy for public interests (also see state PIRG's).
- A site with information about credit scores, credit cards, consumer protection laws, identity theft, current credit scams, and links to consumer complaint sites.
- A community of people and resources featuring a great forum that has a wealth of information, live chat, peer-to-peer help, online resources, news and credit industry alerts.
- A site devoted to mortgage servicing fraud, which includes an informative consumer forum and a wealth of legal information.
- Created "Mortgage Survival Kit" to equip consumers facing today's opportunistic and even predatory mortgage servicing companies with the knowledge and tools they need to either avoid trouble or find a safe and sane way out of mortgage-related problems.
- A resource for predatory lending opponents. The Center for Responsible Lending is fighting to stop financial abuses through legislative and policy advocacy, coalition-building, litigation, and industry research.
- AlabamaConsumerLawBlog: A blog operated by top consumer attorneys with a wealth of information regarding debt collections, debt buyers and much more.
- Sponsored by the American Association for Justice, an organization committed to fighting back against the well-organized and well-funded assault on the civil justice system, and protecting American civil rights and trial by jury.
- a non-profit, membership-based organization that was founded in San Francisco in 1971. During its more than three decades, Consumer Action has continued to serve consumers nationwide by advancing consumer rights, referring consumers to complaint-handling agencies and providing educational material.
- Home Owners For Better Building is an organization dedicated to helping homeowners resolve their construction defects, and exposing the use, abuse, and unfair tactics use against homeowners
- Sponsored by the Young Adult Consumer Education Trust (YACET), non-profit organization dedicated to providing young adults with the life skills they need to become responsible, informed consumers.
- Why are so many Americans are being strangled by debt In Debt We Trust is a journalistic confrontation with the debt and credit industry. This is the Danny Schechter's very informative daily blog.
- StaySafeOnline: Provides free and non-technical cyber security and safety resources to the public, so consumers, small businesses and educators have the know how to avoid cyber crime
- Net Cetera; Chatting with Kids About Being Online a free guide from the FTC and FCC that tells parents and teachers what they need to know to talk to kids about issues like cyberbullying, sexting, mobile phone safety, and protecting the family computer.
- Provides help, information and education to Internet and mobile device users of all ages. We help victims of cyber abuse ranging from online fraud, cyber stalking and child safety, to hacking and malicious code attacks.
- Information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.
- National Association of Consumer's Advocates, a membership of experienced consumer attorneys.
- Precedent-setting and socially significant individual and class action litigators designed to enhance consumer and victims' rights, environmental protection, civil rights, workers' rights, civil justices system and the protection of the powerless.
- After their personal experience with a counterfeit cashier's check scam in 2002, Shawn Mosch and her husband Jeff spent countless hours searching for resources and support for victims of these scams and launched this site.
- A community dedicated to changing the unethical behaviors of mortgage servicers
- The Home Equity Theft Reporter, a blog dedicated to informing the consumer public and the legal profession about Home Equity Theft issues.
- Safe Sound Family: A Resource focused on providing high quality, trustworthy information about home security systems and family safety.
- Swarm the Banks blog is a time saving way to keep up on several dozen foreclosure blogs
and is a source for common sense arguments against the suspicious rush to foreclose. - Parallel Foreclosure is a blog dedicated to raising awareness of Parallel Foreclosure, perhaps one of the most insidious aspects of fraudclosure that has victimized hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of homeowners trying to lower their mortgage payment through taxpayer funded programs.
- HOT is working to enact legislative reforms that ensure Texas contractors, insurance companies, lenders, service providers, and taxing authorities operate on a level playing field with Texas homeowner.
- was created for consumers to use as a depository/filing database to contribute and/or compare signatures of lawyers, notaries, and banking/lending employees during the consumer's foreclosure experience.
- The mission of WAC'M, Women Against Con Men website is to take a pro-active role in the prevention of women or men becoming victimized by Con Artists.
Teen Cyber Safety
Cisco's Teen Cyber Safety page gives teenagers tips on a variety of Internet safety topics, such as sexting, privacy settings, cyberbullying, and cyber stalking. -
Anti-Phishing Phil
Developed by Carnegie Mellon University CyLab and Wombat Security Technologies, Anti-Phishing Phil is an interactive game that teaches users how to identify phishing URLs, where to look for cues in web browsers, and how to use search engines to find legitimate sites. -
Anti-Phishing Working Group
The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) is the global pan-industrial and law enforcement association focused on eliminating the fraud and identity theft that result from phishing, pharming and email spoofing of all types. -
Anti-Spyware Coalition
The Anti-Spyware Coalition (ASC) is a group dedicated to building a consensus about definitions and best practices in the debate surrounding spyware and other potentially unwanted technologies. Composed of anti-spyware software companies, academics, and consumer groups, the ASC seeks to bring together a diverse array of perspective on the problem of controlling spyware and other potentially unwanted technologies. -
Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use
The Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use provides research and outreach services to address issues of the safe and responsible use of the Internet. We provide guidance to parents, educators, librarians, policy-makers, and others regarding effective strategies to assist young people in gaining the knowledge, skills, motivation, and self-control to use the Internet and other information technologies in a safe and responsible manner. -
CyberSmart! Education Co.
CyberSmart! fosters 21st century skills to prepare students and educators for achievement in today's digital society. -
Enough is Enough
Enough is Enough is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that works to make the Internet safer for children and families. EIE focuses specifically on online pornography, child pornography, child stalking, and sexual predation. - Net Cetera (Online Safety Guide for Parents)
Net Cetera is an FTC-developed guide that advises parents on how to discuss online safety with children of all ages. Topics include online socialization and communication, mobile phones, protecting your computer from malware, and setting up parental controls.
OnGuard Online (Safety Tips from the Government)
OnGuardOnline is the FTC's main consumer facing website to educate everyone on staying safe and secure online. -
YouAreHere (Resources for Kids, Parents, and Teachers)
YouAreHere is a site owned and operated by the Federal Trade Commission. Set in a virtual mall, it provides a series of interactive games concerning advertising targeted at kids and how they can determine which ads are misleading. -
Sesame Street Financial Education Initiative Learn how to teach preschoolers smart money management skills. Find informative Guides, resources, videos, interactive games, activities, tips, DVD's and more.
Generation YES
Generation YES programs teach and empower students to solve technology problems in their schools and communities. Their K-12 education resources include white papers, how-to guides, research summaries, presentation, handouts, slideshows, and videos. -
Get Game Smart is an initiative of Microsoft that seeks to provide parents and their children with the tools to play online games in a safe, healthy, and balanced way. -
This site is a useful source for families to learn how to protect themselves from online danger and create the safest online experience possible. The glossary and kid sites are a great resource for parents teaching their children about the Internet. -
IC3 (Internet Crime Complaint Center)
IC3 is is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). IC3's mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime. -
The Internet Keep Safe Coalition is a broad partnership of governors and/or first spouses, attorneys general, public health and educational professionals, law enforcement, and industry leaders working together for the health and safety of youth online. -
Internet Education Foundation
The Internet Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported by public interest groups, corporations, and associations representative of the diversity of the Internet community. They work to promote the Internet as a valuable communications medium, while also educating the public about its challenges. -
iSafe is a non-profit foundation that works in Internet safety education. The goal is to educate students on how to avoid dangerous, inappropriate, or unlawful online behavior. -
LookBothWays, Inc. provides free consumer education in online safety through their Web site. Their K-12 curriculum uses two scenarios to teach kids about sharing personal information online. -
MySecureCyberspace is a free educational resource created by Carnegie Mellon University to empower digital citizens to secure their part of cyberspace. -
National Center for Victims of Crime
The National Center for Victims of Crime is one of the nation's leading victim advocacy organizations. The National Center can provide direct assistance to victims and link victims to help through its National Crime Victim helpline 1-800-FYI-CALL. Their website provides a broad range of information on a variety of victim topics. -
Net Family News
Net Family News is a blog written by Anne Collier. She posts information for parents about how to keep their kids safe online. -
NetSmartz is a safety resource from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) for children aged 5 to 17, parents, guardians, educators, and law enforcement that uses activities to teach Internet safety. -
Project Tomorrow
Project Tomorrow is an education-based non-profit organization. Their lesson plans encourage students to reflect on their use of technology both in and out of school, and how they learn math, science, and 21st century skills. -
Shidonni Ltd.
Shidonni is a Web site that provides a safe environment for kids to express themselves creatively. Kids can build their own imaginary worlds and animals, play games, and interact with friends. In September of 2009, Shidonni won the Gold Award from the Parents Choice Foundation. -
Spyware Warrior
Spyware Warrior is a Web site that lists the major anti-spyware software available today. Using this list can help you determine which anti-spyware will work best for you. - WebSafety WebSafety offers parental control products that help kids feel protected rather than spied on. These products serve as a backup to notify moms and dads of potentially dangerous emergency situations without resorting to eavesdropping.
Web Wise Kids
Web Wise Kids is a unique organization that offers fun, challenging and interactive simulations based on real-life criminal cases.Each program has been designed specifically for use with young people in classrooms and computer labs and is guaranteed to be easy to use and flexible with your classroom schedule. -
WiredSafety provides help, information and education to Internet and mobile device users of all ages. They help victims of cyberabuse ranging from online fraud, cyberstalking and child safety, to hacking and malicious code attacks. They also help parents with issues, such as social networking (MySpace, Facebook, etc.) and cyberbullying.