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Multiple Emmy Award winning journalist, Author, filmmaker and "News Dissector" Danny Schechter, talks about his latest book Plunder, Investigating Our Economic Calamity and the Subprime Scandal. Danny Schechter has spent decades as a "truth teller" in the media as an...
Everyone has an online reputation, whether they realize it or not. When those party photos and videos that you believed were private end up being published online, they can affect your life for a very long time.Parents, teachers, employers, and...
Curtis Arnold, Author and Founder of the popular website was our guest on SpotLight today. Curtis offered tips on dealing with credit card offers and provided his educated views and and insight into the credit card industry.  Curtis has...
Last week, Congress passed the $700 Billion bailout bill for the economy. Though we are told to be patient, so far, it hasn't worked. What's more, some of the most important things that could have been included in the bill...
Last month, more than 1 million people were evacuated due to hurricanes. New Orleans, Houston, Galveston and a host of other cities were impacted. And for those who were unfortunate enough to lose their home or their business, their ordeal...
Consumer forums and communities offer a wealth of information, as well as provide a great sense of camaraderie, validation, guidance and knowledge from other consumers who understand what it's like when faced with credit nightmares, debt problems, mortgage issues or...
We've all heard the reports; Illegal immigration costs the country billions of dollars each year. How  much does it really cost? Two economic studies report two very different findings. Catch our show SpotLight, this Tuesday, August 12th @ 1:00 PM...
The Federal Reserve Board and two other federal banking agencies have released a proposed rule that aims to reform some of the most unfair credit card tricks. But this important new rule of fair play is just a proposal. ...
We've all heard the reports. Illegal immigration costs the country billions of dollars each year. How  much does it cost you personally? How do you think we should handle immigration reform?Listen to opposing viewpoints and you decide... Part I...
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night trying to remember if you paid a bill? What if you woke up because you knew you did? Are you dealing with abusive debt collectors? Are you being...
A memoir exposing the steep price consumers pay when facing mortgage servicing errors, inaccurate credit reporting, illegal debt collection practices, identity theft and weak consumer protection laws. THE BOOK » DENISE'S STORY »