Webroot Mobile Security
The Webroot mobile security app is available if you have an Android smartphone. The pro version of the app will cost $14.99, but there is also a basic version that is available for free. This app will scan every website that you visit on your cell phone and make sure that there is no threat of attack. If the website is known to deliver malware or viruses, then the app will alert you and prevent you from visiting the website.
McAfee Wave Security
The McAfee Wave Security app is available for any Android, Blackberry or Windows smartphone for a price of $19.99 per year. While this app will not protect you from any potential attack, it will make sure that the hackers do not find anything if an attack occurs. The app allows you to backup and restore your personal information to prevent it from being stolen.
Creative Apps Antivirus Free
The Creative Apps Antivirus app is perfect for someone that has been using their cell phone for a while and wants to make sure that they are not under attack. This app is available for free in the Android market. It simply scans all of the apps already downloaded on your Android device and makes sure that none of them are carrying anything harmful.
Lookout Mobile Security
Lookout Mobile Security is a free security app that is available for any Android, Blackberry or Windows smart phone. Anytime that you download an app on your phone, Lookout Mobile Security will scan the app for viruses to make sure that it is a legit application. If the app has a virus, then the downloading process will be stopped so it is not placed on your smartphone.
Norton Mobile Security
The Norton Mobile Security app is available for a free download on the Android market. It will scan your phone for any threats once it is downloaded. It will also make sure that no threats get on your cell phone by scanning everything that is downloaded.
The Acellion app is available for Android, Blackberry and the iPhone for free. A program on any computer with the Acellion software installed can be securely accessed using this app. This makes sure that your important documents are not seen by any attackers while letting you view them from anywhere.
EyeD Biometric Password Manager
The EyeD Biometric Password Manager app helps protect your iPhone if it is lost. Since the iPhone cannot receive viruses, there are no antivirus apps available for the phone. All of the security apps make sure that your information is not stolen if you misplace your phone. The best app for this is EyeD Biometric Password Manager. This app makes you take a picture of your eye, and will only allow access to the iPhone with another picture of the same eye.
Blake Sanders is a writer at phone comparison site cellphone-expert.com. He specializes in cell phone reviews and industry information.
For more info on smartphone risks and security see earlier blog:
Latest Risks for Smartphones; Data Theft by Malicious Apps
Note: Photo courtesy of highwaysagency via FlickR Creative Commons.
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