Accidental Activist Heads to Washington Armed with Consumer Stories

Can you hear it? That rumbling noise? It's the sound of consumers and homeowners like you, adding their voices to the growing discontent with the way our country is managing the current economic crisis. 

As you probably know by now, Richard Zombeck has been gathering the real-life stories of consumers caught in foreclosure, bank mismanagement, or a host of other financial problems on his site  He is now on his way to Washington to protest the lack of genuine government oversight in this whole financial muddle and to support Elizabeth Warren and her fight to get a proper watchdog in place.  His is a yet another loud voice advocating for better consumer protections, and he's getting heard. 

Bob Sullivan over at Red Tape Chronicles did a great piece today, highlighting consumer stories from Zombeck's site and his take on becoming an "accidental activist":
See: Mortgage nightmares, one tale at a time

Here's a short excerpt:

"I've gone from unpaid journalist, to accidental activist, to unintentional lobbyist in a matter of months," he said. Now, he hopes to collect enough tales of frustration that they will spur change in Washington.  "(The) stories will serve as irrefutable evidence that Congress needs to reform the way Wall Street has been doing business."

ShameTheBanks is gaining momentum as it continues to inspire consumers to share their personal experiences in an attempt to be heard, find help -and validation.  It's even inspired one activist to turn up the volume a bit by creating a spin off version. 

Alessandro Machi, Founder of says he's hoping to get consumers to call the banks who have wronged innocent homeowners through their bad practices.  Which banks get called depends directly on the stories from ShameTheBanks--and whether or not the bank has been mistreating the homeowner. It's a simple idea, really, but another effective way that grassroots participation can keep consumer voices from being drowned out.

I encourage consumers to support these and other grassroots sites and continue to raise your voice.  We still have a long way to go, but it's great to see the progress we're making toward getting our voices HEARD.

Americans for Financial Reform has organized a National Senate Call In Week that began yesterday, April 25th through April 28th, to urge your Senators to vote for a STRONG financial regulatory reform bill.

The National Senate Call In Toll Free number is 1-866-544-7573. This number will work for any supporter calling from any of the 50 states.

The time to tell the Senate to stand up to Wall Street and pass a STRONG Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is NOW!!!

It's time consumers get a break. It's time to stop the "too big to fail" mentality -unless we're talking about us.
Tell your Senator what you want: accountability, a real consumer watchdog, and no more big bank bail
A memoir exposing the steep price consumers pay when facing mortgage servicing errors, inaccurate credit reporting, illegal debt collection practices, identity theft and weak consumer protection laws. THE BOOK » DENISE'S STORY »