The process is easy and the message is clear: Congress must rein in the reckless greedy behavior of Wall Street and create an independent Consumer Financial Protection Agency!
More than a year after the economic crisis hit, the problems that caused the crisis have not been fixed -it's business as usual. These same bankers are still dishing out huge bonuses.
As the Senate takes up financial reform legislation, Americans for Fairness in Lending along with Americans for Financial Reform and the National Association of Consumer Advocates are hosting a National Call-in Week from March 1-4. They are asking people to contact their Senators and ask them to, "vote to support financial reform that holds the big Wall Street Banks accountable including the creation of a strong and independent Consumer Financial Protection Agency."
The message is clear:
1) Crack down on irresponsible and reckless behavior by big Wall Street banks and hold them accountable;
2) Protect consumers by policing unfair and deceptive practices by credit card companies, mortgage companies, and predatory lenders, and create a strong and independent consumer financial protection agency to get the job done well;
3) Close the loopholes that allow secret and risky "shadow market" deals where big banks enjoy the winnings of gambling with our money, and then expect us to pay when they lose.
How does the toll-free number work?
The toll-free number, will ask you to dial-in your zip code.
You will automatically be connected to your Senator's office - so it's not necessary that you know the name of the Senator who represents you.
Once you dial in your zip code, you will hear a short script thanking you for having your voice heard and you will then be connected to your Senator's office.
How Many Calls Do We Need to Successfully Rein In the Big Banks of Wall Street?
Every single call we can possibly get!! The big banks are spending hundreds of millions to pay lobbyists to fight against reforms that would protect us from their abuses in the future.
Senators need to hear from consumers, not just lobbyists! Tell them enough is enough -it's time for strong financial reforms and oversight.
The Toll Free Number for all 50 states is - (866) 544-7573
The line will be active Monday March 1st to Thursday March 4th. If you can't call now or do so while online, click here and print off AFFIL's alert.
Please call your Senator today and tell them to work for us, not the big bankers.

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