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If you are one of the hundreds of thousands of homeowners who have been paying your bills on time but decided to take advantage of President Obama's "Making Home Affordable" program, watch out. You might think that reaching the "American Dream" had become a bit easier, but you have another thought coming, one that might cause you to reconsider this move.
You see, the very moment that your mortgage company or bank informs the credit bureaus that you have applied for this program, your life begins to change for the worse. First, your credit score drops considerably--about 100 points! And the impact may be worse for borrowers who enroll in the program and are then deemed ineligible.
That doesn't seem fair (or wise), given that the goal of this program is to help homeowners. Consumers' credit ratings continue to take unfair hits caused by the actions of others. Cutting credit limits, closing or significantly reducing home equity lines, and 30 percent interest rates all have significant effects on a consumer's ability to bounce back from a financial shortfall. As Tom Quinn, the Vice President of Fair Isaac Corporation--the company that issues our three-digit credit rating--put it: "The best way to build credit back is to continue to pay bills as agreed, to use credit wisely. As time goes on, the score gradually increases."
Sounds like someone should take a look at how to put the "fair" back in Fair Isaac's scoring models.
Tens of thousands of homeowners across this nation have spent hundreds of hours dealing with mortgage servicers who have little incentive to actually help them achieve permanent loan modifications. While in the process of obtaining a modification, many homeowners have been lied to, misled, foreclosed upon or threatened with foreclosure, all further harming their credit scores. Isn't the road to economic recovery supposed to avoid suspended credit, closed home equity loans and ruined credit ratings?
What is the average consumer supposed to do when even the government's advice leads to taking a further hit on a credit score?
With yet another drop in your score and the fact--it's on the record--that you have applied for loan modification, you aren't going to be getting any new credit for awhile, at least not until you get that credit score back up. It isn't easy for consumers to increase their credit scores these days, especially when being hit from all angles.
Many homeowners have been making their payments on time, despite having to navigate unfair lender practices. Then there's no money left for anything else. They are simply looking for that breathe-easier life that the "Making Home Affordable" program is supposed to provide. But many will learn they ended up further harming their credit rating. Doesn't anyone in the credit industry understand that shutting off available credit, closing or slashing equity lines and ruining credit scores--without cause or justification--hurts us all? If consumers had a little money in their pockets it might help ignite the economy.
See: Whistle-blowering bank exec confirms homeowners get the run-around.
Here's a brief excerpt from the video where a Vice President of one of our nation's largest banks talks to ABC News and anonymously validates what consumers have been saying all along: nobody is helping them!
"I'm in the middle of the disaster and nobody is listening at the top. Nobody is listening to the customer..."
"The banker described homeowners pleading to him for help, but he said his bank is not interested in modifying mortgages, even after taxpayers helped bail out the nation's biggest banks. It's just not happening," said the banker.
Exactly Denise. Just how are consumers to stimulate the economy - as the government feels we should - when credit is destroyed and most homeowners didn't cause the destruction. We (my husband & I) are part of the scorned consumers that have been affected by the credit scoring system. Can we 'appeal' or 'fight' the credit scoring companies?? No way!
As you are aware of our personal experience with this part of the mess that the mortgage servicing company has put us in, our hands are tied. Our credit cards have been shut off, our credit score dropped over 200 points in a matter of days, and this will reflect upon us for years to come.
Many employers are looking at credit scores for perspective employees (as they state - they want to make sure that if you are handling their money, that your credit is worthy), even at a position that only pays minimum wage. You can't buy anything any longer unless you have a credit card (it seems), you can't reserve a rental car, a hotel room, or even a plane ticket unless you have a credit card. Yet, the credit cards are shut off due to low credit scores.
We have paid our bills on time - always. We had a credit score of well over the 800 mark. And then, EMC decides to foreclose on us wrongfully. Now look where we are. We can't even get a loan to consolidate a few minor bills to save on interest rates. We can't purchase a decent used vehicle when our very old ones decide to quit running.
And Tom Quinn is lecturing us - the consumers - about paying our bills on time and using credit wisely???? I am sure that he has received his 'fair share' of some of the bailout money and definelty doesn't have to put up with the turmoils that your followers are dealing with on a daily basis.
Oh, how I would love to have him, or any other so-called consumer financial guru, to walk a day or two in my shoes, then go the next person and walk in their shoes. Maybe then, they will understand that THEY are part of this problem also, not the honest and hard working consumers that is just trying to live day to day and survive by the rules and regulations that 'they' have put into place.
Who do we complain to? Who is in charge of making these banks do these loans? I also have not had a good experience with the Making Home Affordable. I was current, now 10 months later I am almost $7000 behind due to being given the trial period, dragged on for months, and then denied at the end. It's funny because according to Makinghomeaffordable.gov I qualify, but the bank says I have 0 income, however I do have income or I wouldn't be paying my mortgage period.