Read: Jackie Ramos Bank of America Employee, Fired for Helping Customers at Huffington Post.
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Comment anonymously??? You must be kidding! I filed an anonymous complaint on BOA web-site & was told verbally 3 times my complaint would be anonymous.....The lying Mother Flower's at BOA cost me my entire family with issues from my complaint. My mother died 1/31/10 & I did not get to be with her the last year & a half of her life because of BOA.
Would love to talk with former employees concerning my pending lawsuit....Yes, I hope to take BOA down big time...they cost me basically my entire life! I will not stop until they pay dearly for this & fire my sister whom told my banking business to all family member's causing feuds. She also told the business os many others to my family. I want her unemployed, no retirement and not a pot to piss in. Piss on her...piss on Bank of America!