University of Alabama Notifies 37,000 of Computer Breach

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University of Alabama campus officials sent letters out to 37,000 people whose personal information may have been stolen by computer hackers.  

The school revealed Friday that in November, seventeen of their four-hundred databases were tapped by hackers. One of those computers contained lab results for people tested at the campus Medical Center.  However, school officials say campus computer technicians quickly caught the hackers before they likely retrieved any confidential  information. 

Still, the school is suggesting people whose information was compromised check their credit records for any potential identity theft. A letter addressed to all of those with information on the servers were advised to place a fraud alert on their credit files and check bank accounts for unusual activity. (To learn more about fraud alerts click here) 

No arrests have been made in the incident.  There is still an on-going investigation.  When asked why they waited two months to alert the public, school officials say they wanted to analyze the breach thoroughly and not compromise the investigation.  They stress never were  academic or electronic medical records in general exposed. Read More 


Could your credit card number be one of the 40 million in fraud bust?

(ARA) - In what has been called the largest credit card fraud bust in American history, 11 people were recently indicted for stealing up to 40 million credit card numbers.

Could yours have been one of the stolen numbers?

The 11 defendants from around the world allegedly hacked into the computer systems of 9 major American retailers, including book stores, office supply stores and clothing stores. These credit card profiles have been for sale on the black market, resulting in a massive amount of fraud and identity theft.

Because of the scale of the theft, it is very possible your credit, and possibly even your identity, has been compromised. The number one way to detect identity theft is to check for errors on your credit report. If someone has been fraudulently using your identity, making charges and opening accounts in your name, it will show up on your credit report.

The Federal Trade Commission recommends you deter identity thieves by monitoring your financial accounts routinely and reporting ID theft as soon as you notice a problem.


To get copies of your free credit reports see earlier blog.

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