Tell Congress to Read the Ten Principals to Guide Regulation for Consumer Protection -then follow them!

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If you're fed up with bad news, continually hearing about massive job losses, the declining stock market and taxpayer dollars bailing out everyone except  you, you're certainly not alone. But have you voiced your concerns to Congress? The best way to make sure we have the proper regulations and consumer protections in place to avoid further harm to our economy, and deter abusive practices, is to demand Congress put the needs of consumers first.

As Congress starts turning their attention to reforming the nation's financial regulatory system, we need to let them know we expect them to keep consumer protections front and center as they discuss these issues Consumer protections can't be left to chance, or to the market, or to the whim of regulators! 

Without regulatory oversight, corporate accountability and transparency, how will we ever  restore consumer confidence, or for that matter -our economy?

AFFIL (Americans For Fairness in Lending) has drafted Ten Principles to Guide Regulation for Consumer Protection. Read them and then ask your Representative and Senators to read them -and then follow them to guide our nation's financial reform.

We all know what happens to consumer protections when law-makers only hear from lenders and their lobbyists.  Make sure your voice is heard!  Tell Congress to take this opportunity to write effective consumer protections into law. Drown out the voices of powerful lobbyists by having your voices heard.

Tell Congress that consumer protections can no longer be ignored.

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We all think the big shake-out is housing, and the cleaning out of all its sub-primes, is the one big thing to be done.


Wait till the spillover hits the sub-prime credit card holders.

Hold on to your seat.

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