Are your kids being affected by cyber-bullies? Is your "online" reputation affecting your job chances?

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Everyone has an online reputation, whether they realize it or not. When those party photos and videos that you believed were private end up being published online, they can affect your life for a very long time.

Parents, teachers, employers, and even prospective daters Google you, read your profiles and profiles of your friends, and what they discover, may not paint you in a light that is well thought-of!

Did you know that employers are not only searching your Facebook and MySpace profiles for information on you, but they are now contacting your online friends as resume checkers?
Is your online reputation hurting your job chances?

Are cyber-bullies affecting your kids?

Is there anything you can do about "digital dirt" and online gossip?

Tune into SpotLight Thursday, October 24th at 1:00 PM EDT

Michael Fertik, CEO and Founder of
Michael will talk about the types of services his company offers and just how heavy your online reputation can weigh on every aspect of your life -and even the lives of your family.

As always, if you miss a live show -it will always be available on this blog, and remain in our archives for listening at your convenience,  downloading to Mp3, or sharing by going to after each show

UPDATE: The show was very informative and we are pleased to let you know that Michael Fertik, CEO of has offered SpotLight listeners a free trial of their services, My Child, My Privacy and My Reputation by going to and using the promotional code COOL08.
Listen or share show by clicking on appropriate links in the below box.


The traumatic story Michael Fertik discussed on Spotlight today, is highlighted in this 20/20 video...

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1 Comment

Interesting show. I sent you a note at spotlight but it came back to me.

Thank you Ms. Richardson for the very informative show and blog. This is one site I will share with others and bookmark.

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