Data Breach Could Affect 13,000 Retired Ohio Police Officers

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An electronic database of about 13,000 retired Ohio police officers - including the retirees' names, home addresses and Social Security numbers - was improperly taken by a former Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund employee this month, officials confirmed.

Names, addresses and Social Security numbers of more than 13,000 retired police officers was improperly breached by a former employee of the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund, fund director Bill Estabrook said on Wednesday, Aug. 27.

The mail room employee resigned and on his last day on the job, e-mailed the data to his personal address earlier this month. The pension fund sent letters out Monday to its members, notifying them of the security breach, but has yet to notify law enforcement. "I'm keeping that option open because I'm concerned there was no malicious intent on this former employee's part," Estabrook said.

The fund has 27,000 retirees and active members.

Source: Dayton Daily News

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