A Revealing Look at Why Consumers Sue the Credit Bureaus

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Recently, an Orlando jury ordered Equifax to pay nearly $3 million in the case of a woman who says the company ruined her credit in an identity mix-up.

Meet her Attorney... Robert Sola.

Jim and I will interview Attorney Robert Sola on SpotLIght -Thursday @ 1:00. He is one of the leading attorneys in the field of credit reporting, credit disputes and credit errors. He has successfully litigated Fair Credit Reporting Act cases, and obtained large jury verdicts, against all three major credit reporting agencies.

What are your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act?

Do you know how to protect your credit & your rights?

Don't miss this revealing show!

If you can't listen to the live show, -you can always find it in our archives.


Date: May 22nd

Time: 1:00 P.M. 90 minutes

Guest: Attorney Robert Sola

Show listening and call-in Number: (718) 664-6583 Call in with your questions.

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1 Comment

On 12-18-08 , I received a bill from e-Bay for $27.72 and the link to make the payment. I was on vacation but attempted to make the payment on 12-20-08 and a couple of times thereafter but kept getting denied access to my account. I had written 3 e-mails explaining that I am attempting to make this payment , further explaining my trouble getting onto my account. I did not receive any responses until January 5 , 2009 stating that they sent it to collections. So the way I see it , is they sent to collections within 2 weeks of me getting this bill. I had perfect credit prior to this. Am I going to be entitled to damages as I think this is alittle unfair. I think e-Bay is retaliating towards me because they sent me a bill a couple months back attempting to charge me for service I again didn't have access to and it was ruled through the BBB and e-Bay that I did not owe what they had been trying to charge me. There should be time limits before a company should be able to send a bill to collections. And when the company isn't working with you and you have proof that you were trying , something should be done.

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A memoir exposing the steep price consumers pay when facing mortgage servicing errors, inaccurate credit reporting, illegal debt collection practices, identity theft and weak consumer protection laws. THE BOOK » DENISE'S STORY »