Take Safeguards when Discarding your old Computers...

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Computer security is not only important while your browsing the internet ...security must be a top consideration when opting to buy a new computer and deciding how to discard your old one. Sensitive data such as banking account information, credit card numbers and passwords are often contained on the hard drive -whether or not you hit "delete". If you dispose of your computer (or cell phones & pda's) without first destroying or erasing the hard drive, you may be putting yourself, and others, at risk of identity theft or fraud.

If you file taxes, do banking, pay bills or shop online , you have accumulated sensitive identifying information that is stored on your hard drive. Once your computer leaves your control it can easily land in the hands of a criminal whose job it is to pilfer that information and use it (or sell it to others) to commit fraud or identity theft. Consider removing the hard drive and destroying it before throwing your computer in the garbage.

Other options to ensure your hard drive data is destroyed properly:

*Purchase software, which if used properly, will completely write over your information and clean the hard drive;
*Hire a trusted company to clean your hard drive for you

For more tips and information on how to safely dispose of old computers see: Computer Disposal and Security


Computer Identity Theft: Video & Report

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